Saturday 16 April 2016

Leningrad as a local

Leningrad as a local

In my list of magical Russian places that I wanted to visit after hearing my stepfather's tales, Saint Petersburg definitively occupied the first place. Home to the absolutely incredible Hermitage and a UNESCO World heritage site, the beautiful Leningrad is considered the cultural capital of Russia and its second biggest city. I always pictured myself as a tourist, strolling by its river near the stunning Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood reflecting on the cultural heritage of Catherine the Great.

However, I recently considered the fact that much more could be added to this original idea of experiencing St. Petersburg as a museum when I could rather be part of it, at least for a while. One of the most joyful ways to accomplish this goal could be exchanging my own life experiences for the privilege of experimenting the real St. Petersburg first hand from its residents. I was extremely happy to discover that there are numerous opportunities to use my talents and career to have a very real experience like the one I've been dreaming of.

GeoVisions (www. is an organization dedicated to make dreams like these happen, an international education and cultural exchange group. Their vision really resonates with my view of the world: that more cooperation and understanding between nations is possible, if only we knew each other better. I was fascinated to find that it is possible to organise through GeoVisions a 3 month homestay experience with a local family in St. Petersburg. The volunteering job consists of helping the host family with their English skills in exchange for the privilege of living with them and learning their culture first hand.

I still look forward to the day when my image of  strolling by the river becomes true. I have, however, modified my original dream a little: I might walk in the company of the locals, talking about their lives and dreams. Learning a bit more about these things connects us as humans and forgetting some of the ones that separate us.  

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